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The Jewelry Creation Process
Spinner Ring |
Setting diamonds |
Adding details and setting diamonds |
Ring components |
Setting diamonds |
Parparing setting for main stone |
RIng before final center diamond |
Spinner ring |
Rose Gold, Diamonds & Sapphires |
14k White Gold inlayed with Gold |
Inlayed White Gold Ring |
Cast ring before gold inlay |
Inlaying the Gold |
Channels to inlay gold into |
Gold is inlayed but not polished |
Closer view of unfinshed inlay |
Another view of inlay |
Inlay before final details |
Engraved sides of ring |
Detailing inlayed area |
Depth added by adding detail |
Difference details make to inlay |
Details added depth to inlayed gold |
Adding my stamp |
Adding engraving to inside of ring |
Michael view the ring magnified |
Restoration of Pendant |
All the components of the pendant |
Enameling the circle component |
Completed enameled circle |
Close up of restored pendant |
Emerald & Diamond Earrings |
Front & back of finished earrings |
Engraved & ready to set the gems |
Diamonds set |
Setting all the emeralds |
Setting emeralds |
Close-up of emeralds being set |
Engraved Emerald & Diamond Earrings |
Diamond and Gold Earrings |
Wax cast of earrings |
Casted earrings |
Diamonds added and completed |
Jade & Diamond Ring |
Wax made and checking fit of stoe |
Rings is cast |
Checking center stone in cast |
Setting diamonds for added detail |
Pearl with Diamonds |
Wax for Ring |
Checking wax for fit with Pearl |
Completed wax |
Ring has been cast |
Starting to add details |
Preparing setting for diamonds |
All the setting are ready |
Diamonds added to settings |
Finished Ring |
Diamond Ring |
Fine details of the wax |
Center gems fitted into wax |
Wax is ready and fits the gems |
Cast from wax |
Preparing ring for settings |
Preparing setting for diamonds |
Adding diamods to sides |
Side view of diamonds set |
Ready for the center stone |
Large Center Diamond Ring Completed |
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