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The Jewelry Creation Process

Spinner Ring

Spinner Ring

Setting diamonds

Setting diamonds

Adding details and setting diamonds

Adding details and setting diamonds

Ring components

Ring components

Setting diamonds

Setting diamonds

Parparing setting for main stone

Parparing setting for main stone

RIng before final center diamond

RIng before final center diamond

Spinner ring

Spinner ring

Rose Gold, Diamonds & Sapphires

Rose Gold, Diamonds & Sapphires

14k White Gold inlayed with Gold

14k White Gold inlayed with Gold

Inlayed White Gold Ring

Inlayed White Gold Ring

Cast ring before gold inlay

Cast ring before gold inlay

Inlaying the Gold

Inlaying the Gold

Channels to inlay gold into

Channels to inlay gold into

Gold is inlayed but not polished

Gold is inlayed but not polished

Closer view of unfinshed inlay

Closer view of unfinshed inlay

Another view of inlay

Another view of inlay

Inlay before final details

Inlay before final details

Engraved sides of ring

Engraved sides of ring

Detailing inlayed area

Detailing inlayed area

Depth added by adding detail

Depth added by adding detail

Difference details make to inlay

Difference details make to inlay

Details added depth to inlayed gold

Details added depth to inlayed gold

Adding my stamp

Adding my stamp

Adding engraving to inside of ring

Adding engraving to inside of ring

Michael view the ring magnified

Michael view the ring magnified

Restoration of Pendant

Restoration of Pendant

All the components of the pendant

All the components of the pendant

Enameling the circle component

Enameling the circle component

Completed enameled circle

Completed enameled circle

Close up of restored pendant

Close up of restored pendant

Emerald & Diamond Earrings

Emerald & Diamond Earrings

Front & back of finished earrings

Front & back of finished earrings

Engraved & ready to set the gems

Engraved & ready to set the gems

Diamonds set

Diamonds set

Setting all the emeralds

Setting all the emeralds

Setting emeralds

Setting emeralds

Close-up of emeralds being set

Close-up of emeralds being set

Engraved Emerald & Diamond Earrings

Engraved Emerald & Diamond Earrings

Diamond and Gold Earrings

Diamond and Gold Earrings

Wax cast of earrings

Wax cast of earrings

Casted earrings

Casted earrings

Diamonds added and completed

Diamonds added and completed

Jade & Diamond Ring

Jade & Diamond Ring

Wax made and checking fit of stoe

Wax made and checking fit of stoe

Rings is cast

Rings is cast

Checking center stone in cast

Checking center stone in cast

Setting diamonds for added detail

Setting diamonds for added detail

Pearl with Diamonds

Pearl with Diamonds

Wax for Ring

Wax for Ring

Checking wax for fit with Pearl

Checking wax for fit with Pearl

Completed wax

Completed wax

Ring has been cast

Ring has been cast

Starting to add details

Starting to add details

Preparing setting for diamonds

Preparing setting for diamonds

All the setting are ready

All the setting are ready

Diamonds added to settings

Diamonds added to settings

Finished Ring

Finished Ring

Diamond Ring

Diamond Ring

Fine details of the wax

Fine details of the wax

Center gems fitted into wax

Center gems fitted into wax

Wax is ready and fits the gems

Wax is ready and fits the gems

Cast from wax

Cast from wax

Preparing ring for settings

Preparing ring for settings

Preparing setting for diamonds

Preparing setting for diamonds

Adding diamods to sides

Adding diamods to sides

Side view of diamonds set

Side view of diamonds set

Ready for the center stone

Ready for the center stone

Large Center Diamond Ring Completed

Large Center Diamond Ring Completed

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